Photo: Ing. Martin Balog, PhD.
Composite material with the registered name BIACOM® (BIoActive COmposite Metal) is made using economically efficient and highly productive approach, where a mixture of titanium and magnesium powder is compacted at low temperatures.
Competitive advantage
- ideal metal material for manufacturing biomedical implants, which are subjected to intense mechanical and fatigue loading, with improved biocompatibility, surface bioactivity and osseointegration potential;
- cost effective and productive fabrication of the raw composite material;
- possibility to manufacture implants of complex shapes.
Use of technology
- the composite material can be industrially and repeatedly fabricated and used, particularly for production of dental implants with excellent biocompatibility and mechanical compatibility with the living tissue, suited for application under intense cyclic mechanical loading.
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Protection of intellectual property
- Granted patents: (SK) (EP) (IL)
- Registered trademark: (SK)