Energy-efficient device for measuring magneto-dielectric response

zdroj: Michal Rajňák, ÚEF SAV, v. v. i.

Specialized device enabling the measurement of magneto-dielectric properties of thin dielectric layers by generating a well-defined magnetic field thanks to the small size of the device and its energy efficiency.

Competitive advantage

  • the need for a significantly smaller volume of the tested liquid/material;
  • the generated magnetic field acting on an investigated sample is homogeneous;
  • measuring of influence of the magnetic field without the need of a special laboratory;
  • the possibility of placing the device in a special atmosphere or a cryogenic liquid;
  • the possibility of measuring the effect of magnetic field on living organisms;
  • excellent parameters of the generated magnetic field in the measuring place;
  • variability of the properties of the generated magnetic field and its intensity;
  • economical operation of the device;
  • low acquisition costs.

Use of technology

  • in various areas of experimental research or industrial testing, where it is possible to easily generate relatively strong and homogeneous magnetic fields with low power input in applications for measuring the magnetodielectric properties of developed materials;
  • a promising area of application is also the study of biological materials in the conditions of an external homogeneous magnetic field.

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Protection of intellectual property

  • Patent application: (SK)